Become-a-More-Coachable-Athlete-Classic-Fight-TeamWhether you’ve been practicing martial arts for a few years or you’re new to the training, becoming a more coachable athlete plays a significant role in your progress. Being coachable means you’re still eager to learn, willing to put your ego aside, and open to accepting feedback.

Here are a few ways to become a more coachable athlete in your martial arts training:

1. Look for opportunities to learn while continuing to practice and improve technique.

No matter how long you’ve been training, there will always be more to learn. At the same time, continuing to practice good technique is a foundational part of your training. Taking the time to practice and learn, while asking questions when needed, will make you a better athlete in the long run.

2. Practice control and self-awareness and be willing to put your ego aside.

By practicing martial arts with others, you have an opportunity to use and apply your skills in different ways. As you train with others, remember to stay in control of your body, mind, and emotions. To continue making progress, put aside your ego, and focus on self-improvement. Try not to compare yourself to others and don’t hold back because you’re afraid of making a mistake. Be aware of when you’re letting your ego drive how you train and look for opportunities to learn.

3. Be open and receptive to feedback.

Getting honest feedback from a coach is one of the best ways to improve in martial arts. It can be tough to accept feedback sometimes, especially if you didn’t ask for help or you’re not used to getting it. Keep in mind that feedback is not the same as criticism. Your coaches and instructors aren’t trying to attack you; they’re trying to coach and guide you. Be receptive, and try not to take feedback personally. Show up to train ready to listen, learn, and try something new.

Are you interested in getting started at Classic Fight Team in Fountain Valley? Contact us to learn more about the programs and classes we’re currently offering.