(714) 655-1201
Email: [email protected]

Classic Fight Team
16919 Bushard St
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday
8:00am - 9:00pm



December 2023

Martial Arts and Emotional Regulation: Managing Emotions Through Practice 


Martial arts, often associated with physical prowess and self-defense, offer benefits that extend far beyond the realm of combat. Among these advantages is the enhancement of emotional regulation, which plays a crucial role in promoting emotional wellness. In this blog post, we will delve into how martial arts training can help individuals better understand [...]

Martial Arts and Emotional Regulation: Managing Emotions Through Practice 2023-12-08T13:09:43+00:00

The The Power of Discipline in Martial Arts: Building Character and Wellness 


Martial arts is often associated with physical strength and combat skills. However, beneath the surface of intense training and fierce competition lies a powerful force that extends far beyond the gym – discipline. In this blog post, we will explore how the discipline instilled by martial arts training positively impacts mental well-being and personal [...]

The The Power of Discipline in Martial Arts: Building Character and Wellness 2023-12-06T08:17:03+00:00

September 2023

The Three Most Important Lessons For Your Martial Arts Journey


Embarking on a martial arts journey is a transformative experience that extends beyond physical training. It's a path of self-discovery, discipline, and personal growth. As you navigate this journey, there are three important lessons to keep in mind when working out.  Lesson One: Listen to Your Body  The first lesson is to listen to [...]

The Three Most Important Lessons For Your Martial Arts Journey2023-09-15T16:39:59+00:00

Sambo and Judo: The Art of Throws and Its Benefits for Core and Balance


In the vast world of martial arts, two disciplines, Sambo and Judo, stand out for their mastery of the art of throwing. Despite their distinct origins and nuances, both these arts share a common emphasis on using an opponent's energy to execute powerful throws. Beyond the arena of combat, the techniques and principles of [...]

Sambo and Judo: The Art of Throws and Its Benefits for Core and Balance2023-09-15T16:36:51+00:00

Kickboxing in MMA: Leg Power, Cardio, and Full-Body Coordination


If you're into Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), you've probably heard about the importance of kickboxing. It's not just about throwing fancy kicks and punches – kickboxing brings a lot more to the table. In this blog, we'll explore how kickboxing plays a pivotal role in MMA by enhancing leg power, boosting cardio, and improving [...]

Kickboxing in MMA: Leg Power, Cardio, and Full-Body Coordination2023-09-15T16:23:07+00:00

Wrestling in MMA: Building Functional Strength and Endurance


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is an electrifying blend of diverse fighting styles, each contributing its distinct techniques and strategies. Among these, wrestling stands out as a foundational element, often forming the bedrock for many successful MMA careers. However, beyond its tactical advantages inside the cage, wrestling also offers significant benefits for functional strength and [...]

Wrestling in MMA: Building Functional Strength and Endurance2023-09-15T16:19:48+00:00

MMA’s Mental Edge: How Mixed Martial Arts Training Boosts Cognitive Health


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is often celebrated for its physical benefits, from enhanced strength to cardiovascular health. However, the cognitive advantages of MMA training are equally compelling. Delving into the world of strikes, takedowns, and submissions reveals a realm where the mind is sharpened just as intensely as the body. From heightened focus to [...]

MMA’s Mental Edge: How Mixed Martial Arts Training Boosts Cognitive Health2023-09-08T16:38:24+00:00

MMA Conditioning: A Fusion of Styles for Total Body Fitness


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is more than just a combat sport; it's a melting pot of martial disciplines, each contributing its unique techniques and training methods. This fusion creates a comprehensive workout regimen that targets every aspect of physical fitness. From cardiovascular endurance to muscular strength and flexibility, MMA conditioning offers a holistic approach [...]

MMA Conditioning: A Fusion of Styles for Total Body Fitness2023-09-08T16:36:23+00:00

Overcoming Challenges in Your Martial Arts Journey


Embarking on a martial arts journey is a commitment to personal growth and self-improvement. However, like any worthwhile pursuit, it comes with its share of challenges. These obstacles can test your resolve, but with the right mindset and strategies, they can be overcome and even transformed into opportunities for growth.  Physical Challenges  Martial arts [...]

Overcoming Challenges in Your Martial Arts Journey2023-09-08T16:33:44+00:00

Aikido and Alignment: Perfecting Posture with the ‘Way of Harmony’


Aikido, often translated as the "Way of Harmony," is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes blending with an opponent's movements to redirect their energy. While its techniques are primarily designed for self-defense, the principles and movements of Aikido offer profound benefits for posture and spinal health. In a world where many of us spend [...]

Aikido and Alignment: Perfecting Posture with the ‘Way of Harmony’2023-09-08T16:28:03+00:00
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