Fitness-Benefits-Gained-from-Jiu-Jitsu-Classic-Fight-TeamJiu Jitsu attracts a variety of people who show up and train with different goals in mind. These goals might be to learn self-defense, improve your fitness, or compete against others. But no matter what your martial arts goals might be, you’ll find that your Jiu Jitsu leads to an increase in your physical fitness.

Here are a few of those fitness benefits gained from Jiu Jitsu:

1. Improved Functional, Full-Body Fitness

Jiu Jitsu is a full-body workout that improves your functional fitness. Not only will you become more fit in your training on the mats, but you’ll also notice improvements in your daily life. The gains you experience in your functional fitness makes everyday activities, like carrying groceries or playing with your kids, easier.

2. Increased Aerobic Endurance

The most common methods people typically use to improve their endurance are things like running, swimming, or cycling. But these aren’t the only sports that will improve your aerobic endurance. Jiu Jitsu can be a new and fun way to improve your endurance; no treadmills are required. Jiu Jitsu is a great aerobic as well as anaerobic activity. You’ll experience plenty of heart-healthy benefits while getting shorter, more powerful interval training in as well.

3. Improved Flexibility

When learning Jiu Jitsu, you’ll find yourself in positions that you would never encounter any other time. Eventually, these different movement patterns lead to an increase in flexibility. It can take some time to develop. So if you’re just getting started with Jiu Jitsu and experience a limited range of motion, keep training and stay patient. With time, you’ll become more flexible and be able to move more efficiently.

Are you interested in learning more about the Jiu Jitsu or other martial arts programs we’re currently offering at Classic Fight Team in Fountain Valley? Contact us today.