Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full-contact, combat sport involving a variety of martial arts techniques including striking and grappling. Because of MMA’s physical intensity and technical skill, this sport provides many physical benefits that can improve your overall fitness.
Here are three specific ways MMA can improve your fitness:
1. Improve Endurance
MMA involves combat between two opponents. For fighters to be successful, they must possess sustained energy and strong cardiovascular fitness. In MMA, fighters use exercises and movements that help train the heart and lungs to pump blood more efficiently through the body to vital organs. This form of aerobic conditioning works to strengthen the heart and lungs, leading to overall health benefits. This strongly developed endurance can then be applied to other areas of an athlete’s life, such as running, boxing, biking, etc. Athletes who train MMA can significantly improve their endurance and experience the benefits in their fitness and overall health.
2. Increase Strength
Because Mixed Martial Arts involves the use of an athlete’s full body, training can improve strength throughout various muscle groups. Many MMA workouts include most major muscles in the body. Athletes use core muscles for grappling, legs for kicking, and arms for striking. Athletes must also be quick on their feet, always moving to defend against their opponents. The full body workout that MMA provides can improve strength throughout the whole body.
3. Improve Reaction Time
MMA requires athletes to be agile, alert, and ready to defend against their opponent’s attacks. MMA training teaches athletes to be quick on their feet, constantly moving and preparing to counter their opponents’ movements. Athletes also develop skills to quickly adapt to the changing circumstances within a fight. They often develop techniques for thinking quickly and reacting swiftly, with counter-movements. MMA can help athletes develop and improve their reaction time.
To learn more about the programs and classes we’re currently offering at Classic Fight Team in Fountain Valley, contact us today.