How Martial Arts Training Leads to Personal Growth
Personal growth is an ongoing and lifelong pursuit. There are many ways to invest in personal growth, including physical activities like martial arts. Martial arts training [...]
5 Ways to Motivate a Young Athlete
For a young athlete to stick with a sport or activity, like martial arts, they need motivation. If the eagerness to get better is there, kids [...]
5 Reasons to Consider Adding Yoga to Your Routine
Yoga has a lot to offer and is a great supplement to your weekly workouts. And it’s something that you can easily do from anywhere. Here [...]
3 Ways Martial Arts Helps You Stay Connected
Over the past several months, we’ve been through a lot. Right now, it’s important to find ways to take care of ourselves and each other. To [...]
3 Ways to Protect Your Joints
When you're committed to a consistent, long-term martial arts practice, you must take care of your body and recover well in between training sessions. Part of [...]
3 Ways Kids Build Self-Discipline through Martial Arts
Not only does martial arts improve your kids’ physical health and fitness, but it also offers many other benefits. One of these cognitive benefits is [...]