4 More Tips for a Consistent Martial Arts Practice
Clearly defined martial arts goals, proper recovery, and purposeful training can help you keep a consistent martial arts practice. Here are a few more tips on [...]
3 Benefits of Kickboxing
Kickboxing is the art of controlling your opponent with short striking movements. It's a form of self-defense that gives practitioners a full-body workout and builds physical [...]
5 Ways Martial Arts Benefits Your Work Life
Improving your work life is one of the many ways your martial arts training positively affects your life beyond the mat. Here are five ways that [...]
SMART Martial Arts Goal-Setting for Kids
Setting martial arts goals can help kids with maintaining motivation and sticking with the sport for many years. And the SMART goal-setting framework can help kids [...]
How to Improve Mobility (through Breathing)
Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, mobility is an integral piece of your training program. Making sure that your body is moving efficiently is a [...]
How Tracking Your Workouts Can Lead to Results
We all are on our own unique martial arts and fitness journeys. If you’re feeling a little lost on your journey, or you’re going through [...]