Improve Functional Fitness and Flexibility through Jiu Jitsu
Finding ways to improve your functional fitness and flexibility can significantly impact your everyday life. For example, daily tasks become easier to carry out when you [...]
Martial Arts: Why Students Start Early and Stick with It
Kids, adults, and families alike can practice martial arts at any stage of life. And some students choose to continue throughout their lives. Your martial arts [...]
4 Benefits of Private Martial Arts Training
When training martial arts, you have a choice of attending either group classes, private training, or both. Group classes and private training have different advantages to [...]
3 Ways to Overcome Feeling Bored or Burned Out
Starting a new activity like martial arts can feel awesome. It’s exciting to try new movements, learn new skills, and meet new people. And you might [...]
How To Get Stress Relief Through Physical Fitness
Regular physical activity leads to a variety of physical and mental health benefits. And when you’re on the path to improving your fitness, you create all [...]
3 Ways To Be a Great Training Partner
Training partners play a big role in your martial arts training. And not only do you want to get matched up with a good partner, but [...]